Rocky Clark on why more girls should give Rugby a Try

In this week’s blog, we have the pleasure of interviewing none other than the most capped England rugby player, the inspirational Rochelle ‘Rocky’ Clark. A true ambassador for girls and young women all over the world. Since making her debut in 2003, Clark has gone on to win seven Six Nations titles and was part of the winning Red Roses squad when they won the coveted Women's Rugby World Cup trophy in 2014.

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Caroline Kings
Discovering Wheelchair Basketball

It was a great pleasure to interview Siobhan Fitzpatrick on how she found a passion for wheelchair basketball in 2010. A real sports court to podium story of success. An award-winning player, Siobhan has an extensive junior career having co-captained the women’s team to back-to-back championship wins at the 2015 U25 Worlds and 2016 U24 Europeans – a feat not achieved by any other female GB junior team.

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Caroline Kings
Girls and golf

Parents, caregivers, grandparents! Are you in the 40% of lapsed golfers who would like to return to the game if more friends and family played? According to The R&A, one of golf’s governing bodies, did you know that 65% of females identified their husbands, partners, parents and other family members as the main reason for taking up golf?

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Mental Health Awareness Week - why it matters for girls

It’s Mental Health Awareness week and here at We are Girls in Sport, we wanted to remind you of the importance of exercise and mental health, for all you girls and young women in particular. We know that people bang on about it all the time (!), but we want you to achieve your potential and be the best version of yourself that you can be! Exercise is critical to your well-being, both physical and mental.

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Keep moving girls!

In these strange times, at a time when isolation is the new buzz word, caring for our mental health as well as our physical health is absolutely crucial. Research shows that exercise is closely linked to a wide range of mood-based and social benefits as well as health benefits and it could be the key to our well-being during this time. People who are physically active are happier and more satisfied with their lives. Exercise helps both adults and children to feel more connected and less anxious.

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Sport is no period drama

As if being a teenager wasn’t hard enough, being on your period is never fun. Many of us are guilty of not talking openly enough with teen girls about puberty and experiencing periods. Girls as young as eight or nine can start with their first period but equally, some teenagers don’t get their first period until they are sixteen.

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Caroline Kings
Finding her inner strength

If you saw Lizzie Mills in the street, you wouldn’t be able to guess that she is a power lifter, lifting weights as heavy as 190kg. What I love about Lizzie’s story is that it took her until she was 18 to discover power lifting: one of the things that we want to encourage is that girls try as many sports as possible to find one that they like and at which they can excel and achieve PBs. Sometimes this might mean trying something ‘unusual’ but as Lizzie experienced, that could be ‘the one’.

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