Posts tagged LOCKDOWN
Jump Rope!

If you’re on Tik Tok or Instagram you’ll have seen the huge rise in jump rope which in some cases is a positive outcome of the recent lockdown. This is a very simple, affordable and effective way to keep fit and has been used by elite athletes for years! We asked Wajeeda Yusuf about her jump rope story.

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We are Girls who play ... Tennis!

I’m a national level tennis player and playing tennis has always been my passion. Ever since I picked up the racket at the age of four I knew that tennis was the sport for me, mentally and physically. I am 14 now so I have been playing for about nine years and those years have been full of experiences, achievements, challenges and learning.

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Keep moving girls!

In these strange times, at a time when isolation is the new buzz word, caring for our mental health as well as our physical health is absolutely crucial. Research shows that exercise is closely linked to a wide range of mood-based and social benefits as well as health benefits and it could be the key to our well-being during this time. People who are physically active are happier and more satisfied with their lives. Exercise helps both adults and children to feel more connected and less anxious.

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