Jump Rope!
If you’re on Tik Tok or Instagram you’ll have seen the huge rise in jump rope which in some cases is a positive outcome of the recent lockdown. This is a very simple, affordable and effective way to keep fit and has been used by elite athletes for years! We asked Wajeeda Yusuf about her jump rope story.
How did you start jump rope and what motivated you?
I started skipping/jumping rope in April 2020. Exercise and fitness became an important part of my mental wellbeing before the pandemic but having the lack of practical space at home indoors and outdoors it was important for me to find something that enabled me to continue my journey.
The jump rope uses very minimal equipment but it was a type of cardio that burnt a lot of calories but also fun. I was able to zone out and put on a nice beat and switch off from the world, which is exactly what the gym used to enable me to do.
Tell us about your jump rope journey - has it been difficult?
It was a year on April 1st! Learning new tricks and drilling new moves can be difficult but so fulfilling when you finally figure it out. I think knowing how I felt after completing a skipping session outweighed any other difficulties.
I watched so many youtubers and influencers online and every time I saw something new I could not wait to get out there and try it!
“I am so happy to find a sport that I truly enjoy. It is exercise without feeling like exercise and that is what makes it so much fun.”
How would you recommend someone starts jump rope?
I would recommend getting yourself a decent rope that you are comfortable with; it does not have to be too expensive, a vinyl rope will do. I use a Rush Athletics Speed/Money Rope.
Start skipping for five minutes a day and increase it as your fitness levels improve and your body starts to condition to skipping.
I started off learning the basic bounce and then the boxer skip. As these two moves became more and more comfortable, I naturally started to explore other different ways to move and different types of footwork to make it look interesting.
Skipping/jump roping involves using your mind and body as you have to really think about your coordination, and this really helps to keep you active and excited throughout the process.
I would recommend skipping to a good beat, the faster the beat the faster you will skip!
One of the most important things is to stretch before, during and after a skip session as the first few months I had a lot of pain in my shins and calves - warming up is so important to avoid injury. Try and avoid skipping straight onto concrete and get a mat where possible, some comfy footwear with some bounce will really help you.
The most important thing is don’t give up, keep trying! This is exercise that requires some patience, but it really does pay off. You will get there eventually. Like with everything just have fun with it.
What's been your highlight?
My highlight has been joining the amazing jump rope/skipping community online. I have met and spoken to some amazing people around the world.
Also connecting with some amazing local women who have now found a new sport that they can connect with and enables them to do something that helps them with their fitness goals.
Do you feel fitter?
I started off skipping for five minutes a day for a warm-up and now I skip for at least an hour a session. I lost a stone from December 2020 through to March 2021 and I can honestly say the extra cardio and calorie burn skipping/jump roping brings has really contributed to that.
I am really excited to see where I can go with the sport.
How does jump rope make you feel?
The endorphin kick that skipping/jump roping brings is unmatched for me. The rhythm and coordination side really gets my mind thinking and then when you can achieve some of the amazing tricks physically like jumping 50 double unders in one go, the feeling is amazing. I am so happy to find a sport that I truly enjoy. It is exercise without feeling like exercise and that is what makes it so much fun. You are burning calories, getting fit and healthy without feeling like you are forcing yourself to do it. Everyone should give it a go and join our community!
Thanks Wajeeda for sharing your story! Loved it. All photos are Wajeeda’s.
If you have a story to share about your story then get in touch or just send it to us - hello@wearegirlsinsport.com