An Interview with Georgie Perris-Redding of Sale Sharks Rugby

Women's rugby is one of sport's great success stories. Every weekend across the United Kingdom, women lace up their boots, pop in their gum shields and run, ruck, tackle, maul and scrum – all in the name of their favourite sport - rugby. We are Girls in Sport had the pleasure of interviewing Georgie Lilly Perris-Redding on her career in rugby and how she’s working hard to help others.

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3 Reasons why Rugby is Great for Girls

Rugby is, and always has been, traditionally a man’s game, yet gradually, more women and girls are muscling in on the action. In June 2019, World Rugby launched a new ‘Women in Rugby’ brand identity and landmark global campaign ‘Try and Stop Us’ aimed at driving increased participation and engagement among fans, audiences, players and investors in the women’s game. Participation levels are at an all-time high with 2.7 million players globally — making up more than a quarter of the global playing population — and a 28% increase in registered players since 2017. For the second year running, globally, more young girls have started to play rugby than boys and more than 40% of rugby’s 400 million fan base is female.

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