How to write a guest blog for We are Girls in Sport

We love spreading the word about different sports through our blogs here at We are Girls in Sport but we love it all the more when you ask to guest write a blog for us! There’s nothing better than reading about how much you love your sport, how you started and how it makes you feel and sharing it with our community. We know that these stories, your stories, have the power to inspire and motivate girls around the world to try a new activity which will benefit their physical and mental wellbeing.

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Do you want to be a sports journalist?

When Caroline was a little girl, she wanted to be a journalist and she really wanted to be a sports journalist. She did PE GCSE (exams we take in England at 16 years of age) at school and for the non-practical element, she created a school newsletter focussing on the Winter Olympics. (I’m pretty sure it was the 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympics but in researching this, I’ve realised that the dates don’t really add up so it may well have been Albertville ‘92! CK)

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