Introducing Dodgeball with Evie Ford

Photo credit: Evie Ford

Photo credit: Evie Ford

In this week’s blog, We are Girls in Sport brings you another different sport to try! We interviewed Evie Ford from Shropshire on how she discovered Dodgeball and why having fun was the most important aspect of the game for her. Evie studied English Literature and History at university before making the switch to become a full-time teacher as her career passion. Evie still plays her favourite sport, dodgeball and now represents her local team the Stafford Raptors. We hope you enjoy the interview as much as we did!

Evie, were you always sporty when you were younger?

Yes, I was! I was always outside and running around or throwing a ball! As much I enjoyed my academics, my mum and dad were sporty and would always encourage the importance of doing sport, any sport. They were my first role models growing up and I took every opportunity I could to try different sports at school from badminton, dodgeball, netball and hockey. I wanted to try them all! I I felt sport was such a good stress relief for me.

Tell us about your time at university?

Sure. I spent three years studying English and History at university and then I switched to study teaching, which is the career I am doing now and really enjoying it.

How did you discover dodgeball?

There was a sports fair at university, and I saw a stand advertising dodgeball and why people should try it out. I’ve always loved netball and had convinced myself that netball was my only passion. Then I saw when all the medals on the dodgeball stand, I was intrigued and wanted to know more! I had no ideas you could win medals in dodgeball. I then saw a Facebook event and thought the stars are aligned. I thought to myself “I have to try it out” and I’ve never looked back!

Photo credit: Evie Ford

Photo credit: Evie Ford

 What is your dodgeball journey?

I started playing when I was eighteen. I began training two or three times week. As my team performance improved, I made it into the second team and started playing tournaments, However, as I am quite competitive and really wanted to work hard to get up into the first team. I trained hard until I made it to the first team and by the end of the year, the team suggested I go for England trials. I couldn’t believe it. I then went to the England trials and managed to get in! This was a dream come true considering it was only six or seven months after I started playing dodgeball.

After that, I did a world cup and won a mixed world cup. It was an incredible experience! I now switch between different premier league teams as I stopped playing for England when I started teaching.  I currently play for Stafford Raptors which is a friendly, inclusive, and competitive dodgeball club located in Staffordshire. I help to promote the club so people can easily find us. We use a a mix of social media including Instagram and Facebook as well as posting content in local groups. I help run the website and take time to contact retired players, families and friends to keep spreading the word on our Stafford Dodgeball news.

Who are some brilliant players you have played with previously?

 April O'Brien is probably one of the best players I’ve ever played with along with Abbie Gower as well. They both helped me and developed me. April, Abbie and I all played together and Abbie was Vice Captain for England Lions mixed when we shot to victory in the 2016 World cup.


Photo credit: Evie Ford

How have you kept yourself fit during the past year?

My partner also plays dodgeball, which is helpful, so we spent lockdown playing dodgeball around the house! Then we started playing baseball when some of the restrictions were lifted. It was so great to start playing sport outside again and was nice to try another different sport, but one which still required catching and using quick reflexes. We also brought a treadmill, but the motivation was hard to keep up as we both prefer team sports!  

Evie’s Advice for Girls in Sport 

1.     Remember that sport is for everyone and there is a sport out there for everyone! Playing sports is a good way to meet new people and to make new friends!

2.     Search online to find your local club. Go to to find your local Dodgeball club!

3.     Fun comes first. Winning feels great but the most important aspect of sport is to have fun with your friends. Always have fun.

Girls Dodge Too! 

Girls Dodge Too! is our new Sport England funded project that will offer more opportunities for women and girls to not only play dodgeball but to keep doing so for years to come. From our 2020 survey we discovered that over a third of our members dodgeball clubs want to develop or introduce new women and girls club sessions, and in turn enter more female teams into leagues and events.

 The initial Girls Dodge Too! project in England will engage over 300 women and girls of all ages and give them a fun experience of dodgeball that will keep them coming back for more.

Find out more at