How to Switch Up Your Exercise Routine


Even before the pandemic, Brits weren’t getting enough exercise. Many global health organisations and government agencies are working hard to encourage us to move off the sofa and get moving.

It was worrying to read that severe obesity has hit an all-time high among children in England in their last year of primary school, a government report has found. The recent report, released by the UK's National Health Service (NHS), examined more than a million 10 and 11-year-olds in state-maintained schools across England. It found that 20.2% of children measured were obese, including 4.4% who were severely obese -- that's more than 26,000 children. For clarity, the NHS defines children's obesity by calculating their Body Mass Index (BMI), taking into account their sex and age. Children above the 95th percentile are considered "obese," while children above the 99.6th percentile are considered "severely obese." The findings come just a week after a report by the World Obesity Federation, which warned that there are 158 million obese children around the world. In fact, The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has described the obesity issue as "one of the greatest threats" to children and society as a whole.

So, what can we do to support change?

One of the reasons we founded We are Girls in Sport was to help girls to get active and find a sport or physical activity they might enjoy. In turn, we hope that sport will encourage them to enjoy exercise – for life. In ideal circumstances, we would love children to try sport from a young age so they can find their confidence, meet new friends and enjoy how exercise improves both their mental health and wellbeing. Ultimately, finding a sport you love can give you the most incredible feelings of joy.

 Although being in quarantine undoubtedly has its downsides, for many, it has presented an opportunity to establish a new fitness routine. Women and girls around the world may be rethinking their exercise regimes, especially as gyms have been closed for months and our usual routines have changed. Some of us have been doing fitness classes online, some of us have been trying new sports and others may have simply lost their fitness mojo. Depending on where you are in your fitness lifecycle right now, you are not alone. We are here to help you find your fitness mojo again and switch up your routine.


When is a good time to switch up your routine?

1.     Your body needs a change

If you find you have been doing the same training; day in and day out, your body may not be experiencing continuous growth. The human body adapts quickly to exercise stimuli, and once it adapts; it needs change. This is exactly how exercise works. Let's say you start taking a yoga class, a cardio class, or a weight training program. Eventually your body will adapt to the stimuli and need more change to grow.

2.     You're bored

Try something new to change your game! Maybe try something different such as running or a new sport. If you feel that your workout or exercise has become less of a challenge, gradually increase the intensity. Maybe see if a friend wants to join you. Having your best friend sweat it out with you will naturally push you harder. Plus, he or she may have been able to introduce you to a new style of training, workouts, or exercises, and may make it a lot more fun. 

3.     You’re injured

If you have a niggling injury that you need to rest, you might find that you can still train other parts of your body whilst still resting your injury. Dame Kelly Holmes is a great example of this. She recently had an operation on her foot and has been sharing alternate fitness routines to keep herself fit and active during her recovery. There are so many great fitness routines online, so go search out some great ideas on Instagram pages including @womenshealthuk @michellegriffithrobinson and @damekellyholmes.


In summary, switching up your routine could breathe fresh air into your fitness sessions! When you're changing to a new workout entirely, make sure you know how to do it correctly. For example, if you've never lifted a weight and are thinking of incorporating strength into your routine, consult an expert first and you can do that by joining online training sessions with those in the know!

 Take your time.

Make a slow transition and whatever happens…enjoy your training and keep moving! 

Caroline Kings